Monday, October 13, 2008

Team Introduction: Josh

Hey guys--I'm Josh. I do some programming and design over at CoffeeStained Games.
I'm currently working on my own game(Escape Humanity), as well as working on a team project, name Free To Kill(hey, what a coincidence, this is its blog!)

I'm doing design and light programming for it--It's going to be great, but this post is about me, but not it.

I've always been interested in computer games, and always wanted to. I finally learned how, and I'm just bursting with ideas! I really can't wait to release Free To Kill--it's going to be amazing.

Now, I've always loved assassin games. Carefully plan an attack, slink into the shadows...Ahh, it's so fun! It's why I'm making this.

Anyways, I don't really know what to say--I'm an adolescent male that makes games. Simple as that.

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